I recently gave a talk about creativity and one of the things I suggested was to keep a notebook handy and write down anything interesting which might be useful in future writing. The previous blog, "Chanelling' was a case in point. I first write that in 2006 while in a form of trance. I called it 'Channelling', as some people would describe it as coming from another sphere. My mind is open as to its provenance; I just know that when I read it, I didn't remember writing it - and no, I wasn't under the influence of anything! Having been doing some 'spring cleaning' today, I thought that parts of it still resonate today and that I'd give it an airing.
While I was on holiday, I took my own advice and scribbled copiously. I'm not sure what I'll use in future writing but here are a few snapshots of the sort of thing I mean:
The family at the lake with the baby. The baby's mother, little more than a girl herself, is English and speaks to her child in whispers of delight at the joy the baby is exhibiting. The father, a much older French man, is sitting drinking wine with his mother, who evidently doesn't like her new daughter-in-law (?). The man probably appears very romantic now to the young English girl but my friend and I are convinced that it won't last once he runs to seed and she gains in experience of living in France. No-one takes any notice of the older child, presumably from n earlier relationship, who is trying hard to be invisible, while her body language screams 'look at me!' Now there's a whole novel!
A Proustian moment - apt, as it happens in France. When I lived in Aix I would often take the train from Marseille to Paris. Several decades later and I find myself on a TGV whistling through Provence. The sights and smells instantly transport me back to that time, when I was young, intrepid and so full of hopes and dreams for the journeys to come. I wrote screeds on the train - this time - but that's for another day.
Thoughts on the train, as I look at my reflection in the window and remember doing similar thirty years ago. For some reason I was thinking about freedom and wrote ' freedom means being able to be happy, wherever one is, whatever one is doing. Freedom is a state of mind, always within reach, if not in sight, as we see what we want to see.'
And 'Some people read about life or watch the lives of others play out on a screen. Some people just live.'
Sometimes re-reading scribbled notes is rewarding, sometimes embarrassing but always useful. Hopefully I've made some headway on my next book but mainly I used the time to think and be. As another aid to creativity, I would certainly recommend a holiday and, if that's not possible, just organise an escape from everyday life, if only for half an hour or so. Switch off the 'phones, the internet and other people and just breathe. Try it, you might like it!